Day 23: Lately I have been way too tired to go to the computer lab and update this. Getting up before the sun and working until sunset is starting to have an effect on me and I’m interested to see what happens when we actually have to work for 8 hours in the heat. My tan is starting to fade because I am stuck in a classroom all day being talked at and looking at PowerPoint slides. We are all excited to be done with training and leave for our projects.
This past weekend was pretty relaxing, which was nice since it will be our last free weekend for a while. Saturday morning, River 6 (my team) went to the local YMCA, (we have free membership on Friday and Saturday) to work out. It was nice to get back into the gym and do some weight lifting instead of working out in the grass. I spent the rest of the day relaxing and doing a few things and then later that night went out to dinner and drinks with a few friends from the corps. It was nice to see everyone in normal clothing instead of pajamas or uniform. Sunday I slept in and relaxed most of the day which was nice. At night we had a rehearsal for the AmeriChoir. We will be singing the national anthem at induction this coming week and am really excited. I’m happy to be singing again in an organized group, with harmony.
This week’s training focused heavily on member development, meaning our personal growth, health and goals through this program. We talked about substance abuse, personal development (scholarships, awards, goal setting, etc), diet, diseases, and specialty roles. Each member of our team is assigned to one of five specialty roles. I have been assigned as the project outreach liaison and assistant team leader as I mentioned in my last entry.
Tomorrow we will be leaving to go to New Orleans (Nawlins) for 4 days to commemorate the 5th year anniversary of hurricane Katrina. We will be working on a project called Rebuilding Together: 50 in 5. Along with many other volunteers and service members, we will be helping to build 50 houses over the course of 5 days. I am really excited for this opportunity because I think being part of such a life changing event in our country’s history. I have been to New Orleans and helped with Katrina relief in the past, but this effort to rebuild is so big.
We will be staying in apartment-style living with several other NCCC groups. We will be able to sight-see a little bit which is exciting, hopefully I can go to Pat O’Brien’s and get a hurricane. ☺
Below are some pictures from the YMCA camp, will update again on Sunday when I get home probably!
day 23... :)