Saturday, May 14, 2011

disaster recovery and the end of the road

For the past 2 weeks have been working in Tuscaloosa, AL attempting to help this community recover from one of the worst tornadoes to hit the South. It has been both emotionally and physically exhausting for us as a team, as we are working long days in areas completely destroyed in the path of the storm. We have been working in distribution centers and in the field helping with the slow and steady project of getting this community back on their feet. Our sponsors are City Impact and United Saints of New Orleans. Through them we work in several teams from the Vicksburg camp and travel to different sites on a day to day basis. Mostly I have been working on debris removal in some of the hardest hit neighborhoods chainsawing and swamping, pulling brush and large stumps out of people's yards. I have also been working at the Temporary Emergency Services warehouse helping to organize and sort through donations. Both jobs are overwhelming, as I am also amazed at the power of this storm. Donations have been pouring in from all over the country, including from Emerson College! Some of my closest friends in the Emerson community collected clothing and other items at the end of the school year to send to Tuscaloosa. They never cease to amaze me with their thoughtfulness and motivation! LOVE IT.

We will be heading back to Vicksburg on Wednesday morning and I will be a week away from heading home! When I have a better internet connection I will be able to upload photos.

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